Lancaster Italian Cultural Society
Lancaster Italian Cultural Society

Italian-American Service Award

Italian-American Service Award 2024 Criteria and Form
The Italian-American Service Award honors those Italian-Americans who have made a a real and substantial contribution to the Society or community through committee work, volunteering at events, recruiting, fund raising, public relations or other such activity. Annual winners will receive a plaque from the LICS and will be granted free attendance at all activities during the year of their award (example, winner is announced in March 2025 and is eligible to attend all events free until March 2026). Deadline for submitting candidates names for consideration is February 15, 2025. Please use the form in the PDF below and mail or email by 02/15/2025. Thank you.
LICS 2024 Italian-American Service Award[...]
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Previous Reciepents

2023 - Pattie Meyer

2022 - William R. Valenzo

2021 - Rudy DeLaurentis

2020 - Stephen A. Iovino

2019 - Nella Seward

2018 - Dee Viscardi

2017 - Ann Marie Petrone

2106 - Anita Bomberger

2015 - Jennie DiCola

2014 - James J. Lombardo

2013 - Charles Criniti



Left: John & Dee Viscardi, Dr. Jay Butterfield.


Dee Viscardi was awarded the LICS
2018 Italian-American of the Year award at our December holiday dinner.




Dee was recognized by the award committee for her years of service to LICS. She has planned and directed trips, activities, ladies luncheons and more for our membership. Through Dee, many members were able to explore New York City, travel abroad, enjoy regional Italian cultural events, and share fellowship with LICS members and other Italian-Americans that they otherwise would not have experienced. Dee has worked tirelessly on behalf of LICS, and the entire LICS membership is thankful for her service.

Dr. Jay Butterfield presented the 2017 Italian - American of the Year award to Ann Marie Petrone. Ann Marie said "It was both surprising and humbling to hear my name called as the recipient. As a charter member of LICS since 1999, it has been an honor to serve as Hospitality Chairperson, Board Director and member of the Newsletter Team. Thank you LICS for this wonderful recognition!"

Above with Ann Marie are her family members: Melina Roda, Earl & Sylvia (Guerra) Hardwerk, and James & Kathleen Guerra.

Previous Italian American of the Year award winners, Jim Lombardo, Jennie DiCola and Charlie Criniti with Anita (Battaglia) Bomberger.

2015 Italian-American of the Year winner announced:
Anita (Battaglia) Bomberger was the recipient of the 2015 Italian-American of the Year award. The award was presented at the annual Christmas Party held at the Eden Resort on December 13th. Congratulations to Anita on a well deserved award.

Il Duomo, Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence Italy
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