2024 Fall Italian Language Classes
Le Classi di Italiano per 2024
2024 Fall Italian Language Classes
The classes will held on Monday evenings and run for 8 weeks beginning on September 30, 2024.
Dates: Sept. 30th. Oct. 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th. Nov. 11th, 18th & 25th. Location: The Oaks Clubhouse; 291 Black oak Drive, Lancaster, PA
2 classes will be offered:
Beginner lessons are from 6:00 to 7:15 PM.
Intermediate lessons are from 7:15 to 8:30 PM.
The cost per person for 8 weeks, based on a combined minimum of 20 to 25 students is $180.00 per student. This fee includes the instruction and all materials for the lessons.
The fee must be paid in its entirety by check at the beginning of class on Sept. 30th. No refunds will be given after the first session. One missed lesson may be made up at the discretion of the
teacher’s availability.
Please register by Sept. 28th with Fiorella Spidaliere by calling 717-425-9770 (Monday through Thursday after 6 PM, or Saturday and Sunday after 1 PM). Or by email to: fberardis@gmail.com.
Please make checks made to LICS. They will be collected on the first day of classes.
The instructor, Fiorella Spidaliere, is a native born Italian speaker who has an extensive background in teaching Italian. Her beautiful voice and expressiveness make the language come alive. Prepare to have some fun, meet new people, & parla Italiano bene!